Tuesday, June 7, 2011

8 Tips for Reducing the Risk Due to Use of Mobile phones / Smartphones

ADDICTION smartphone? You are not alone, certainly a lot of people around the world who have experienced it. In fact, an international organization under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a report that the phone has the potential to expose carcinogens.

Thus, it's good we make an effort to minimize the risk. Here are some strategies to reduce the risk of the above is quoted from Shine.com:

1. Use the loudspeaker
Strive to keep the phone as far as possible from your head, this could reduce the level of energy or power. The farther you are from the antenna, the more low exposure to the signal.

2. Use a text message
Wherever possible use text messages rather than calling. This will limit the duration of exposure and the phone away from the head and body.

3. Turn off
Get used to switch the phone off when not in use or switch to offline.

4. Ear alternately
If you do have to call with ears, be sure to use ear alternately to limit prolonged exposure on one side of the ear associated with an increased risk of brain tumors and salivary cancer.

5. Use the phone with a full signal
Do not call in elevators, trains, or in the car. This makes the phone work hard to find signals that are difficult to access.

6. Short talk
The phone is not for memhasa or discussing something with someone you know. If you have to do a long conversation, Just talk directly. A study found that after a phone conversation for 2 minutes, the brain's electrical activity can be changed at least to 1 hour.

7. Remove the phone from my pocket
A recent study found that men who phone in your pocket have sperm counts 25 per cent lower. The parts of the body known to absorb radiation in different intensities and testicular tissue may be more vulnerable.

8. Keep the phone from the bedroom
Do not sleep near the phone, especially near your head. Electromagnetic fields can reduce the production of melatonin in the body that can cause cancer and disease other.

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