Monday, March 30, 2009

Ben Pei’s No Brainer Blog Contest

Ben Pei Contest

Ben Pei has come up with a no brainer contest on his make money online blog Pei Profit Dot Com. It only requires you complete four simple tasks like copying and pasting. The only reason that he is making it so simple to bring home those attractive prizes is that he wants to make winning easy for his readers.

Prizes include $50 cash prize via PayPal, Atomic Blogging 3.0, Ultimate Blogging Theme, Banner Ad On and 1 Year Membership On AdTracker. Well if you are not heading over and grab your chance, others will! No more complicated reviews, no more linking to 10,000 sponsors. ONLY copy and paste and you could walk away with these big prizes! Check out all the details of how you can enter the Ben Pei’s No Brainer Blog Contest now.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Programing Algorithm Structure

Algorithm Concept
Algorithm is a sequential logical stages to systematically solve a problem. Problem may be anything, but noted that all problems must have an initial condition prior to work on its algorithm. Algorithm concept may be similar to recipe. A recipe usually has a list of needed materials or spices, and sequence and how to build or to cook it. If the material is not available or not calibrated then the recipe may not be built / cook. Likewise if cooking stages is not sequential, a correct result will not be received. Different algorithms may be applied to a problem with same condition. Algorithm complexity level may be measured by the amount of computation to solve a problem. In general, algorithm with short execution time to solve a problem would have low complexity, while algorithm with long execution time may have much higher complexity.

How to write Algorithm
There are three (3) methods to write an algorithm, namely,


  • Structured English (SE), SE is a good enough tool to depict an algorithm. SE is basically an English, but we can modify it using Indonesian and call it Structured Indonesian (SI). The algorithm such as in Example 5.10 and 5.11 are written in SE. Since it uses daily language, SE is suitable to be used in communicating algorithm to software users.
  • Pseudocode, Pseudocode resembles SE. Due to its resemblance, SE and Pseudocode are considered to be the same. Pseudo means imitation or resembled, whereas code refer to program code. Thus, pseudocode means code that resembles the instruction of the program code. Pseudocode is based on the the actual programming language, such as, BASIC, FORTRAN or PASCAL. PASCAL  based pseudocode is often used. Sometimes, pseudocode refers as PASCAL-LIKE algorithm.
  • Flowchart, Flowchart is scheme / chart that shows the program flow in logical manner. Flowchart is a tool to show algorithm using certain notations / symbols. The following section will discuss it in a more detail. There are several important symbols used to show an algorithm as shown in Figure 1.

image This notation is known as Terminator to show the beginning and the end of an algorithm


image This notation is known as Data to represent the data input or output or to represent data entry operation or printing the result.

image This notation is known as Process to represent a process.



image This notation is known as Decision to represent condition selection in a program

image This notation is known as Preparation to set starting value, end value, the increase / decrease value of the counter.


image This notation is known as Predefined Process to show the process is done by other subprocess, such as, procedure, sub-procedure, function.


image This notation is known as Connector to show continuation of flowchart from pne page to another page.


image This notation is known as Arrow to show the data flow from one process to another process.



Figure 1. Symbols used in flowchart.

imageThere are two (2) types of flowchart, namely, program logic flowchart and detailed computer program flowchart. The program logic flowchart is used to show each step of the computer program in a logical manner and usually is prepared by an system analyst. Whereas the detailed computer program flowchart is used to show the detail instruction- of the computer program and usually prepared by a programmer,it is shown in Figure 2.



Figure 2. Program flowchart.

Sequential Algorithm.
image There are three (3) foundation in algorithm structure, namely, sequencing, branching and looping. An algorithm will usually uses the three (3) structures to solve a problem. In this section, we will firstly discuss
sequential algorithm structure. The sequential structure is similar to a car run in a straight road and no turn or intersection as shown in Figure 3. The car will pass kilometers of road until it reaches its destination.


Figure 3. Car travels in straight road.

The sequential structure consists of one or more instruction. Each instruction is sequentially executed based on its sequence in source code, and executed after one instruction is completed. Instruction sequence sets the final stage of the algorithm. If the sequence is changed, the final result may be changed. According to Goldshlager and Lister (1988) the sequential structure follows the following rules:

  • Each instruction is executed one by one.
  • Each instruction is carried out very precise, none is repeated.
  • Instruction sequence in the process is the same is action sequence in the algorithm.
  • At the end of the final instruction is the end of the algorithm.

Branching Algorithm
image A program will not always follow a sequential structure, sometimes we must change program sequence and jump to certain line in the program. This is known as branching or decision process. This occurs when the car reaches an intersection as shown in Figure rigth. The driver must decide to turn left or right.

In the branching structure, a program will branched as the required condition is met. In such process, decision symbol in the flowchart must be used. Decision symbol is meant to test a condition. The result will determine which branch is used.

Looping Algorithm
image In many cases, we encounters job that must be repeatedly done. One of the simplest example is a car racing as shown in Figure  In car racing, participant must follow the circuit tracks as set by the race rule. Whoever the fastest in reaching the finish line, he wins.

In creating a computer program. We sometimes must repeat one or a group of instruction to archive the required result. In computer, a repetition process is easy to carried out. This is due to the advantage of computer as compared to human to do task or repeated instruction without tired, bored, or lazy. Compared to the race car driver, at one time he must be feeling tired driving his race car in circles.

The looping algorithm consists of two parts, namely,

  1. Repetition condition, the requirement to be met to carry out the repetition. This condition is usually stated in Boolean expression that must be tested whether being true or false.
  2. The repetition body (the loop body), that is one or more instructions that will be repeated.

The repetition structure is usually started by an initialization section and termination section. Initialization is the instructions that are carried out prior to repetition. Initialization is usually used to provide initial value to the variables. Whereas termination instruction is carried out after the completion of the repetition.

There are several forms of the repetition, each with its own requirement and characteristics. Several forms may be used for the same case, but some of the form may suitable for a certain case only. The selection of the form may influence the correctness of the algorithm. The correct repetition form depends on the problem.

image Repetition using For is the oldest form of repetition in programming language. Almost all programming languages provide this method, despite may be different in syntax. In For structure, we need to know how many times the the loop bodies will be looped. In this structure we normally use a variable, namely, loop counter, to take note the number of loop has been done. The value of loop counter may be increasing or decreasing during repetition process. General flowchart using For structure is shown in Figure 4. Please note the usage of symbol preparation in the flowchart.

Figure 4. Repetition algorithm using For.

In execution of repetition using for, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Initialized counter value.
  2. Checked whether counter is larger than its maximum / final value. If true then exit the repetition process. If the counter is decreasing, check whether the counter is lower than its minimal / final value. If true then exit the repetition process.
  3. Execute the statements / instructions in the loop body.
  4. Increase / decrease the counter in accordance with the increment value. If no increment value, use 1 as default.
  5. Repeat step no 2.

It is import to initialized counter at the beginning of the loop. If we try to change final value in the loop body, it would give not much impact into how many repetition to be carried out.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Greatestreviews dot net-@The Greatest Blog Contest

The Greatest Blog Contest: Win 1289.06$The contest has started and ends on 30 April, 2009. Winners to be announced on 5 May, 2009. The Greatest Blog Contest with no stupid prizes. As you can see the total value of prizes has added up to almost 1290$. Not boring you much lets go into the details of the contest.

  • Contest Starts: 16th March, 2009
  • Contest Ends: 30th April, 2009
  • Results to be published on: 5th May, 2009
  • Total number of prizes: 27 bundled into 15
  • Total price value of prizes: 1289.06 $

The Greatest Blog Contest: Win 1289.06$

The Complete Prizes List
  1. Two copy of Comodo Internet Security Pro from Comodo (2X39$ = 78$)
  2. One eWebGuru Gold Web Hosting plan from eWebGuru (54.06$)
  3. Four copies of Work Smart Get Rich e-book from Jim Regan of The Net Fool (4X15$ = 60$)
  4. One Ultimate Blog Theme by Carl Ocab (67$)
  5. One Text Advert at Retire @ 21 (60$)
  6. One Blog Review (25$) and one 125X125 Sidebar Ads (10$) at Computer Talks
  7. Two 125X125 Sidebar Ads at Tech Zoom In (2X15$ = 30$)
  8. One Blog Review from FasBlog (50$)
  9. Two125X125 Sidebar Banners (2X15$ = 30$) and one Blog Review (30$) at Greatest Reviews Dot Net and a Secret prize (xXxx$)
  10. 795.00$ worth of prizes from CreWind our Super Sponsor (details below)

Please Read The Contest Post carefully :

The Greatest Blog Contest: Win 1289.06$

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Software Engineering Method – Chapter 2


As we worked with the computer shown in Figure 2.1., we need a series of stages and certain methods in order to be able to produce aim for our objectives. Likewise in the software engineering, it needs certain stages to be productive. A successful software engineering needs not only strong computation capacity like algorithm, programming, and database but also strong, but also determination in meeting the goal, resolution method identification, development method, goal identification, resources requirement identification, and other factors. Such matters are related to software engineering methods.

The content of this chapter not within the standard Software Engineering competence. However, the writer think it would be beneficial to know how to carry out software engineering and methods that normally being used. Several part of this chapter will likely difficult to understand, teacher may be needed to explain. The summary of the chapter is written at the end of the chapter. (Source: Microsoft Office 2007 Clip Art)


After you learn this chapter, you should be able:

  • Understand the general characteristics of the process model in software engineering.
  • Name several models of the software engineering.
  • Know principles from the method waterfall, prototyping, and unified process
  • Understood the stages in the software engineering.



There are many models were developed in Software Engineering to help the process of software development these models generally refer to the system development process model that was known as System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as shown in Figure 2.2. Figure 2.2. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Each developed model has its own characteristics. However, in general, these models will fall into the following categories, namely:

  • Need for clear definition of the problem. Main input in each software development model is in clear definition of the problem. The clearer the definition the better for problem solving processes. Thus, understanding the problem as explained in Chapter 1, is an important part of a software development model.
  • A structured development stages. Although software development models may have different pattern, usually these models followed a general pattern of analysis . design . coding . testing - maintenance.
  • Stakeholder plays a very important role in the whole of the development stage. Stakeholder in the software engineering may be the user, the owner, the developer, programmer and people who are involved in the software engineering.
  • Documentation is an important part of software development. Each the stage in the model usually produces several articles, the diagram, the picture or other forms that must be documented and must not separated from the produced software.
  • The output of software development processes must have an economic value. Although the value of software may be difficult to measure in terms of money. The effect of software usage give an added value to the organization. This could be in form of declining operating cost, efficient use of resources, increase in profit, improving organization image, etc.

There were many software development models, including The Waterfall Model, Joint Application Development (JAD), Information Engineering (IE), Rapid Application Development (the COUNCIL) including Prototyping, Unified Process (UP), Structural Analysis and Design (SAD) and Framework for the Application of System thinking (FAST). This book will discuss three (3) development models, namely, The Waterfall Model, Prototyping, and Unified Process (UP).

2.1.1.The Waterfall model
The life-cycle model is the main model and the foundation of many models. One of the models that is globally known in software engineering is The Waterfall Model. There are five (5) main stages in The Waterfall Model as shown in Figure 2.3. Known as waterfall since the process stage diagram resembled the stratified waterfall. The brief stages in The Waterfall Model are as follows:

  • Investigation stage is to determine whether a problem happening or is there an opportunity to develop an information system. In this stage the feasibility study must be carried out to determine whether the developed information system would be an appropriate solution.
  • Analysis stage aim to look at the user and organization requirement as well as analyzing the available condition before the application of the new information system.
  • Chpter2_3

    Design stage determine the detail specification
    of the information system components, such as, human, hardware, software, network and data, and information products that in accordance with
    results of the analysis stage.

  • Implementation stage is to get or to develop hardware and software (program coding), carried out testing, training and migration to the new system.
  • Maintenance stage carries out during the operation of the information system. In this stage, monitoring process, evaluation and improvement when being needed are carried out.

2.1.2 Prototyping model
Prototyping is one of software engineering approach that directly demonstrated how a software or software components will work in its environment before the actual construction stage is carried out (Howard, 1997). Prototyping model could be classified to several types as shown Figure 2.4.Chapter2_4

  • Reusable prototype: Prototype that will be transformed to the final product.
  • Throwaway prototype: Prototype that will be thrown away as it completes its job.
  • Input/output prototype: Prototype that was limited to the user interface.
  • Processing prototype: Prototype that covered the maintenance file the foundation and processes of the transaction.
  • System prototype: Prototype that took the form of the complete model from software.

The stages in prototyping is normally an accelerate stages. The main strategy in prototyping is to build the easiest first and deliver to the user as soon as possible. Harris (2003) divided prototyping in six stages as being seen in the Figure 2.5.
The stages could be briefly explained as follows:Chapter2_5

  • Identification of the candidate prototyping. The candidate in this case covers user interface (menu, dialogue, input and output), main transaction file, and functions of basic processing.
  • Engineering of prototype with help software like word processor, spreadsheet, database, graphics processor, and CASE (Computer-Aided System Engineering) software.
  • Test prototype to confirm prototype able to undertake demonstration purposes.
  • Prepare prototype USD (Userfs System Diagram) to identify parts of software that would be prototyped.
  • Evaluate prototype with the user and carried out changes if being needed.
  • Transform prototype into fully operated software and remove unnecessary codes, add needed programs, repeatedly improvement and test the software.

2.1.3 Unified Process and Unified Modeling Language
Unified Process (UP) or sometimes known as Unified Software Development Process (USDP) is the framework of development processes that use-case-driven, focus on software architecture, iterative and easy to grow (Alhir, 2005).

This framework is a relatively new in software development methodology. UP could be applied in various project scale, from small up to large scale. Short description of the four (4) stages in UP are as follows:

  • Inception. This is the earliest stage that assess the carried out software project. It aims to get an agreement from stakeholders on its goal and project funding.
  • Inception. This is the earliest stage that assess the carried out software project. It aims to get an agreement among the stakeholders on the objectives and project funding.
  • Elaboration. The stage's objective is to get the picture on the general requirement, the condition and its main functions. This is important to know project risks, including software architecture risk, planning risk, and implementation risk. Despite its early stage, software engineering activities including business modeling, requirements, analysis and design are performed through iterative processes.
  • Construction. This stage's objective is to construct the software to be used. The focus of this stage is to determine the level of priority in its requirement, its specification, in-depth analysis, the solution design to meet the requirement and the condition, coding and testing of the software. If possible, do beta testing to get early input from the user.
  • Transition. The focus of this stage is to deliver the software to end user. Software would officially tested by both competent beta tester as well as the end users. Several activities, such as, data center migration, end user and staff training, should be performed in this stage.

In software development based on UP, UML (Unified Modeling Language) is normally used. Although UP requires the use of UML, ULM can be use in various methods including other field out side information system field. UML is a standard modeling language and a collection of modeling techniques to specify, to visualized, to construct as well as to document the work during software development (Fowler, 2004). UML was born from in merging of many object oriented graphics based modeling languages developed in the end of the 80's and early 90's.

UML is simply used to draw the sketch of the system. The developer used UML to send several software aspects through graphic notation. UML defined notation and the semantics. Notation is a collection special forms that has certain meaning to depict various diagrams of software and the semantics defined how these forms could be combined. There are several kind of diagrams that are provided in UML, including:

  • Use-case diagram. This diagram is used to show the use-software interaction.
  • Activity diagram. This diagram is used to show the behavior of the software.
  • Class diagram. This diagram is used to show class, feature, and relations. his diagram, object oriented approach plays an important role.
  • Sequence diagram. This diagram is used to show the interaction among objects with the emphasis on process sequence or events.
  • State machine diagram. This diagram is used to draw how an event change an object in its lifetime.
  • Component diagram. This diagram is used to show the structure and the component connection.

As described, despite different approaches, models have some similarities in using the following pattern, namely, stage analysis-design-coding(construction)-testing-maintenance.

2.2.1. Analysis
System analysis is a problem solving technique that break a system into smaller components to examine or to evaluate the component performance and its interaction to reach its objectives.

The analysis may be a crucial part of software engineering processes. The next processes will be highly depend on the analysis results. The brief stages in software engineering analysis is shown in Figure 2,7.  Chapter2.7

One of the most important part that usually carried out in the analysis stage is the business process modeling. Process modeling is a model that focused in all processes in the system that transform data to information (Harris, 2003). Process modeling shows data flow that enter and exiting in a process. This model is usually depicted the Data of Flow Diagram (DFD). DFD describe man, process and procedure interaction in transforming data into information.

2.2.2. Design
Software design is the task, the stage or the activity that focused on the detail specification of a computer based solution (Whitten, 2004).

Software design often refers as physical design. While system analysis stage stress on business aspect, software design focuses on technical and implementation side of a software (Whitten, 2004).

The main output from software design stage is the design specification. The specification covers the general design specification for the system's stakeholders and detailed specification to be used in the implementation stage. The general design specification contains the general picture of the software for the stakeholders. USD diagram on the software is normally the important point in this stage. The detail design specification or the detail architectural software design is needed to do system design so as to have a good construction, an exact and accurate data processing, valuable, user-friendly and has a good foundation for further development.

The architectural design consists of the database design, the process design, the user interface design including input design, output and report form, hardware design, software and the network. The process design is the continuation of process modeling that carried out in the analysis stage.

2.2.3. Construction
The construction is the stage that translate the logical and physical design into computer program codes. Construction techniques and methods will be described in more the detail in this book.

2.2.4. Testing
System testing involves all planned user groups. The level of acceptance is evaluated by all user groups based on the determined criteria.

2.2.5. Maintenance and Configuration

Chapter2_12When a software is considered appropriate to be used, the next stage would be the software maintenance. There were several software maintenance types known as shown in Figure 2.12.

Corrective maintenance is carried out to circumvent errors known as bugs. The maintenance Is carried out by improving the code, increased the some parts or eliminated certain parts.

Routine maintenance is also known as preventive maintenance is carried out routinely to maintain the performance of the software whether there is any mistakes / errors or not.

System upgrade maintenance is carried out to change any components of the software. For example, platform or operating system changed, old to new version change require upgrade of the software.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Software Engineering-Chapter 1

Global Description to use this Tutorial  
Main subject of Engineering Software in general, describe the basics of Software Engineering, and solving problems, and methods of software development. The discussion about the sub-field of Operating System contains a computer system, the system operating and working in the computer network. The scope of the material basic algorithms include algorithms and advance algorithms. Sub field Programming Languages take a big portion, including GUI programming with VB & VB.Net, Java programming, C + + programming, Programming of object-oriented and web-based. Sub-sector which is the last part of this tutorial is a data base with the scope of the system databases, conceptual modeling, relational database, Microsoft Access and SQL.

This tutorial is structured in such a way so that for general readers can independently learn and encourage to try. Therefore, in this book, many will be found either in the form of illustration image, the scheme and program listings.


Picture1Let us see Picture 1,1. For most users, the above picture is fairly familiar. In the picture, the desktop of Microsoft Windows operating system is shown. Several icons is shown in the picture. Double clicking on the icon will open a certain software application that can be used to do a certain task.
These days almost all aspects of life were touched by the use of software. Some software may already been used or seen by us, such as, music
player, cashier application software, document editor, etc. These softwares were the results of a series of process or the activity that was known as the Software Engineering. What is Software Engineering? This chapter
will try to answer such question.


This chapter should enable you to:

  • Able to explain on software, program, software engineering and procedures.
  • Understand the objectives of software engineering.
  • Understand the scope of software engineering.
  • Understand the position of the software engineering field in the discipline of computer science and its connection with the other fields. Knows the development in software engineering.
  • Known the profession and certification in the software engineering field.
  • Explained solution principles to the problems in the software engineering. Directorate Technical Vocational Education


The Software Engineering term began to be popularized in 1968 at Software Engineering Conference that was held by NATO. Some people interpret Software Engineering to be limited on how to made a computer program. In fact, there are basic differences between software and computer program.
Software is all the command that can be used to process information. Software could take the form of the program or the procedure. The program was the collection ordered that was understood by the computer whereas the procedure was the order that was needed by the user in processing information (OfBrien, 1999).
A body of knowledge that discussed all the aspects of the production of software, starting from the early stage that is the analysis of the requirement for the user, determined the specification from the requirement for the user, the design, coding, the testing to the maintenance of the system after being used.
It is clear that Software Engineering is not only related to the production method of the computer program. The statement gall aspects of productionh in the above definition, has the meaning of all the matters that are connected with the process of the production like project management, the determination of the personnel, the budget of the cost, the method, the schedule, the quality up to the training of the user was a part of Software Engineering.


Picture2In general, software engineering objectives are fairly similar to other engineering fields. Let us examine Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2 shows that an engineering field will always try to produce the highest performance output at the lowest possible cost at exact time. The software engineering aims for,

  • Lower software production cost.
  • High performance and reliable software in time.
  • Multi platform software.
  • Low maintenance cost.



As defined above, the scope of software engineering is as follows,

  • Software requirements related to the requirement specifications of the software.
  • Software design includes software architecture determination, software components, interface, as well as other software characteristics.
  • Software construction relates to the software development, including the algorithm, coding, testing, and debugging.
  • Software testing covers software behavior evaluation and testing.
  • Software maintenance Includes maintenance efforts as software is operated.
  • Software configuration management is related to the configuration of software
    to satisfy a certain requirement.
  • Software engineering management related to the management and the grating
    software engineering, including planning of the software project.
  • Software engineering tools and methods include the theoretical study on aids
    and the software engineering method.
  • Software engineering process is concerned with the definition, the implementation, the grating, the management, the change and the improvement of the process software engineering.
  • Software quality is stressed on the quality and the software life-cycle.


Picture4Computer Science was born at the beginning of the 1940 's that was the integration from the theory of the algorithm, mathematical logic and the discovery of the storage method of the program electronically to the computer. Since then computer science had experienced continuous development and broadening.

The scope of knowledge in computer science often described as a
systematic study in processes of the algorithm that explained and
transformed information (Denning, 2000). It includes the theory, the
analysis, the design, efficiency, the application and it application.

Picture5There are several branch of knowledge in the computer science discipline as seen in the Figure 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6.

Picture6Based on Denning's (2000) and Wikipedia's
(2007), software engineering was the subsector of computer science that was equal to the other subsector. Whereas according to ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), software engineering is part of Section D (Software). Although being seen separated, in its application, the subsector software engineering always needed the support from the other subsector, especially algorithm and data structure, programming language, database, operating  system and network, and information system.


Picture7Since the scope of software engineering is quite wide, it relies heavily to other fields.

Not only with other sub sector in computer science but also other fields outside computer science. Software engineering relations with other fields
can be seen in Figure 1,7.

  • Management field covers accounting, financial, marketing, operation management, economics, quantitative analysis, human resources management, policy and business strategy.
  • mathematical field covers linear algebra, calculus, probabilistic, statistics, numerical analysis and discreet mathematics.
  • Project management field covers project related matters, such as, project scope, budgeting, human resource, quality control, risk management, and project scheduling.
  • Quality management field covers quality system development, risk and reliability management, quality improvement, and quantitative methods.
  • Ergonomics field covers man and machine interaction.
  • System engineering covers system theory, cost analysis, modeling, simulation, business process and operation.


Software Engineer profession is fairly new for Indonesians. Most Indonesians possibly more familiar with the term Information Technology expert, Information System Analyst, Operator or the other term. It is due to the confusion on the term software engineer as described in the early of the chapter. However in countries with mature information technology, Software Engineer term is more often used.
Software engineer certification is still debatable among expert and software vendor. Most certification in software industry is usually product specific. For example, the software company like Redhat Linux Inc., Adobe Inc., Oracle, or Microsoft, give certification to those who master their product.
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) had run Software Engineer certification program in the 1980. Unfortunately, they have to discontinue due to lack of interest.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) has Issued more than 500 certificates of software profession. Canada has issued a legal certificate for software engineer that was known as ISP (Information Systems Professional).
At this time, there is no software engineer certification in Indonesia. However, the National Competence for Computer Programmer has been defined. Although, it has not fully covered computer programmer field, it can be used for early approach to software engineer certification.

Software engineering had conceptually close to problem solving principles. Understanding on the problems, the strategy and the process as well as the system approach in the solution to the problem will help the software engineering processes.

  • 1.7.1 The Problem and The Symptom, A problem can be seen as the difference between the condition that happened and the condition that it was hoped. It might also be interpreted as the difference between the condition now and the aimed condition. For example, a student hoped to receive 80 in a C++ Programming exam, but in fact he only received 60. The existence of this difference showed the existence of a problem.
    Often it is difficulty to distinguish between the symptom and the problem. The symptom is a sign of the occurrence of a problem.
  • 1.7.2. Type of Problem 
    Problem in standard fulfillment. The problem in this group is related to the achievement of the standard that was determined in an organization. It usually relates to the long term objectives of the organization. 
    Problem in alternative selection. The problem in this group is in choosing the best solution from various alternatives based on certain criteria. This problem is often encountered in daily life, such as, choose the exact school, choose the residence location, choose field of work. The alternative and the criterion had the weight that was agreed to.
    Problem in customer's satisfaction fulfillment. In profit oriented organizations, problem in customer's satisfaction fulfillment is often emerged. The customers may have many wishes and one may be highly different than others. Fulfill all customer's wishes may not possible and very incriminating an organization. One must look for the solution that benefit both the customer and the organization.
    The problem in goal achievement. This type of problem resembles the first type of problem, problem in standard fulfillment. The difference, this type of problem is in achieving short term goals that might not be fixed can be altered in a short time.
  • 1.7.3. Problem Solving
    Problem solving is a process where a situation was observed and after the problem found, a solution is made by determining the problem, reducing or eliminating the problem or preventing the problem from happening.

to be continued to : Software Engineering-Chapter 2

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tweaks Webbrowser Firefox speed

Firefox is already pretty damn fast but did you know that you can tweak it and improve the speed even more? That’s the beauty of this program being open source. Here’s what you do:

In the URL bar, type “about:config” and press enter. This will bring up the configuration “menu” where you can change the parameters of Firefox. Double Click on the following settings and put in the numbers below - for the true / false booleans - they’ll change when you double click.

browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs - true
network.http.max-connections - 48
network.http.max-connections-per-server - 16
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy - 8
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server - 4
network.http.pipelining - true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests - 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining - true
network.http.request.timeout - 300

One more thing_ Right-click somewhere on that screen and add a NEW -> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives. Since you’re broadband - it shouldn’t have to wait.

Now you should notice you’re loading pages MUCH faster now!

Monday, March 16, 2009

iPhoneTM 3G to Indonesia on March 20

iPhone 3G combines three products in one - a revolutionary phone, widescreen iPod and breakthrough internet device, to create an incredible mobile experience. With fast 3G networking, GPS mapping and support for enterprise features including Microsoft Exchange, iPhone 3G puts even more features at your fingertips. The groundbreaking App Store provides access to tens of thousands of applications from games to social networking to financial planning and health management, generating more than 500 million downloads to date. iPhone 3G is now available in over 70 countries around the world.

From Monday March 23, iPhone 3G will also be sold at GraPARI starting at just Rp. 2,622,000.00*. iPhone 3G will also be available from official distributors across the wider Jakarta area including PT Trikomsel Oke (Oke Shop), PT Cipta Multi Usaha Perkasa (Global Teleshop), PT Simpatindo Multimedia (Sarindo), and PT Telesindo Shop (Telesindo Shop). Telkomsel will progressively roll out sales Indonesia wide from Saturday March 28. Location updates will be available from

“iPhone 3G will redefine our consumers’ mobile phone experience,” said Sarwoto Atmosutarno, President Director Telkomsel. “With the revolutionary iPhone 3G and Telkomsel’s extensive high-speed data network, consumers will enjoy making calls, sending SMS, downloading applications, browsing the web and listening to music more than ever before.”

Telkomsel will also offer three specially designed price plans for iPhone 3G. The new plans will offer free talktime, SMS and data to customers. Customers can enjoy free incoming domestic calls all day, up to 360 minutes outgoing talktime and 300 free SMS, as well as 1GB of data usage (upload and download) at speeds of up to 3.6 Mbps. These plans can be enjoyed on both kartuHALO, simPATI, and Kartu As.

The new iPhone 3G works with all Telkomsel’s networks and detects Wi-Fi hotspots automatically, making it ideal for high-speed, multimedia-rich surfing experience. Currently, the Telkomsel network covers all of the country's provinces and counties (kabupaten) and has successfully provided 3G coverage in more than 140 cities across the archipelago. Telkomsel continues to innovate in Indonesia and will invest USD 1.5 billion this year to provide the best 3G network.

In addition, Telkomsel is proud to deliver eleven uniquely Indonesian applications with local content : TransJakarta (Jakarta busway information), Aphrodite (world sport schedule), Jakarta Globe (daily English news), BuUuk (recommended culinary places in Jakarta and Bali), Foyage (local city map), Detikcom (news), Angklung (music), SCTV (national TV), (lifestyle and entertaiment site), (traffic monitoring portal and content streaming) and Kompas (daily Indonesian news). These applications can be downloaded for free for a limited time from the Apple App store.

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

What is Internetworking?

What is internetworking?
Internetworking is the process and methodology used to connect multiple independent networks, regardless of their distance.
Internetwork or Internet----Multiple independent networks that are connected and can share remote resources.
Networking----Networking is the process and methodology applied to connect multiple computers (or other devices), so that they are able to exchange information. Network: A set of interconnected computers (or other devices) sharing resources.
Middleware----Middleware is a layer of software between client and server processes. This software provides services such as identification, authentication, authorization, directories, and security.
Software: A term used in computing to refer to programs or applications.
Hardware: A term used in computing to refer to physical parts or equipment.

Main Components Of The Computer
• Motherboard or mainboard
• Memory (RAM)
• Case, power supply
• Floppy disk drive (FDD)
• Hard disk drive (HDD)
• Keyboard, mouse
• Serial port, parallel port, USB port
• Video card, monitor
• Sound card, speakers
• Network card
• Modem

What Can A Computer Understand?

Computer cannot understand human language (English, French, German, Chinese, Arabic or Italian etc).
Computer can only understand two things:
Voltage----(Current flowing through the wires -> 1)
No Voltage----(No current flowing through the wires -> 0)
Computer can only understand machine language i.e. combination of 0’s and 1’s. Human language is coded into combination of 0’s and 1’s by the Keyboard, so computer can understand human instructions. Most common coding scheme is called ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange).

Overview of Networks

A communication network is an interconnection of numerous network elements, which are required to transfer voice, data, and video traffic between users. It is the network that connects the end user to virtually anywhere in the world through the use of coaxial cable, copper twisted-pair cable, fibre-optic cable, and through wireless technology such as microwave or satellite. Examples of communication networks are telephone networks; telegraph networks, radio and television broadcast networks, computer networks, cellular telephone networks and the Internet.

Telecommunications and Information Technology have been converging for the past few years. However, there is a much closer interrelationship between both at present than at any time in the past. This convergence is changing the way; carriers will carry voice, data and video signal.

Information Technology has provided new networked applications and made extensive changes to corporate needs, human life style and leisure. These networked applications are video conferencing, file transfer, world wide web browsing, electronic mail, financial transactions, database access and voice over the Internet protocol (VOIP).

This led to a massive growth of the Internet and huge bandwidth demand from customers. It resulted in the need to re-architect the traditional and oldest communication network called Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Carriers are now using new technologies to carry voice, data, and integrated services, which can also interoperate with the existing PSTN infrastructure.

Now days, communication networks enable organisations to build their networks on the basis of Local Area Networks (LANs) or/and Wide Area Networks (WANs), to satisfy their communication demands. It is arguable that the very terms “Telecommunications” and “Information Technology” are losing their relevance as separate identities. It is expected that these fields will become virtually indistinguishable in the near future.

Types of Networks

A network is an interconnection of computers, network devices, printers and software through a transmission media. These networks are of different shapes and sizes. Network administrators usually classify networks according to their geographical size. Networks are predominately classified as:

  • Local Area Networks (LANs)
  • Wide Area Networks (WANs)
  • Metropolitan area networks (MANs).

Local Area Networks (LANs)

A local area network (LAN) comprises a group of computers and network communication devices interconnected within a limited geographically area, such as a building or a campus (neighbouring buildings). LANs have the following characteristics:

  • They allow communication in a limited geographical area
  • They transfer data at faster speed (higher bandwidth)
  • Transmission media and resources are managed by the organisation running the LAN.

Wide Area Networks (WANs)

A wide area network (WAN) interconnects different LANs across the world. A WAN allows communications within a state, a country, or anywhere else in the world.
WANs are characterized by the following:

  • They allow communications in an unlimited geographical area.
  • They connect multiple LANs located in same or different cities.
  • They are usually slower than LANs.
  • Transmission media and connections are managed by a third-party carrier like a telephone company Telstra or a cable company Optus.

WANs can be further classified into the following two categories:
Enterprise WANs: An enterprise WAN interconnects the widely separated communication resources of a single organization. An organization with several offices at distant sites can setup an enterprise WAN to interconnect these offices. An enterprise WAN comprises private and commercial network services, but it is designed exclusively for communications within a particular organization.
Global WANs: A global WAN interconnects networks of various corporations or organizations across the world.

Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs)
A Metropolitan area network (MAN) allows interconnection of LANs within boundaries of a Metropolitan. MAN usually interconnects networks within an area of 50 Km. An example of a MAN is data backup or data transfer between two campuses of a University through a telephone cable. These days MANs are overshadowed by WANs.

An example of LAN and WAN interconnection is shown in the following figure:


Making Windows XP Start 60% Faster

Whenever you start your computer, you are faced with a few moments of thumb twiddling while Windows XP boots and prompts you to log on. Although you should expect to wait for a few moments, sometimes Windows XP seems to boot rather slowly. In fact, you may notice that over a period of time the PC that used to roar to life seems a bit sluggish instead. Fortunately, you can perform several techniques that help Windows XP get the bootup speed you want. This chapter explores how to put these techniques to work.

Stopping Unneeded Startup Services
Along with the core operating system and programs that Windows XP runs when it starts, there is also a host of services involved. Many of these services are necessary for Windows XP to operate correctly. However, many of them are for features in Windows XP that you may not use at all. You can peruse the services and disable any service that you do not want to run. The fewer services that run, the more quickly Windows XP will boot.

Exercise caution when stopping services. If you do not know what a service does or are unsure of the ramifications of stopping the service, leave it alone. Some services are critical to Windows XP's operations, so make sure you understand what the service is before you disable it.

To reduce the number of services that start on bootup, you can access two different areas of Windows XP. The first is the System Configuration Utility. The Services tab shows you the services that start when the computer boots.

You can stop a service from starting by simply clearing the check box next to the service and clicking OK. However, before you do so, there is another way to disable services that you may prefer because the interface gives you more information about the service in question.
Open Control Panel/Administrative ToolsServices or else select Start/Run, type services.msc, and click OK. Either way, you see the Services console.

I prefer to use the Services console instead of the System Configuration Utility because it describes what the service does. Additionally, you can double-click a service and examine its properties.

Notice the Startup Type column in Figure 4-2. This information lists whether the service is automatic or manual. Manual services are only started in Windows XP when you start a process that requires the service. Some other process may require the service that has a "dependency" relationship with it; in this case, the dependency service will start, as well.
Because these services do not start automatically when you boot Windows XP, you do not need to do anything with manual services.

However, all services listed as automatic start when Windows XP boots. These are the services that increase boot time. As I have mentioned, many of them are necessary and important, so you should not stop automatic services from booting unless you are sure of the ramifications. You can get this information by looking at the Description column. Here's a quick look at common services you may want to live without:

  • Automatic Updates: This service enables Windows XP to check the Web automatically for updates. If you don't want to use Automatic Updates, you can disable the service. You can always check for updates manually at the Windows Update Web site.
  • Computer Browser: If your computer is not on a network, you don't need this service. If you are on a network, leave it alone.
  • DHCP Client: If you are not on a network, you do not need this service. If you are on a small workgroup, you can still increase boot time by configuring manual IP addresses (which I explore later in this chapter).
  • DNS Client: If you are not on a network, you do not need this service. If you are, leave it alone.
  • Error Reporting and Event Log: You don't have to use these services but they can be very helpful, so I would leave them configured as automatic.
  • Fax: If you don't use your computer for fax services, you can disable this one.
  • Help and Support: If you never use the Windows XP Help and Support Center (found on the Start menu), you can disable this service.
  • IMAPI CD-Burning COM: This service enables you to burn CDs on your computer. If you never burn CDs, you can disable the service.
  • Indexing Service: Your computer keeps an index of files but if you rarely search for files, the service is just a resource hog. You can stop it and turn the service to manual.
    Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing: If you do not use these features, you can disable them.
  • Infrared Monitor: If you do not use infrared devices, you can disable this service.
  • Messenger: This service sends alert messages on a local area network (it is not the same as Windows Messenger). If you are not on a network, you can disable this service.
  • Print Spooler: If you do not do any printing from the computer, you can disable this service. If you print, make sure you leave it as automatic.
  • Remote Registry: This service allows remote users to modify the Registry on your computer. If you are not on a network, you can disable this service.
  • System Restore Service: This service allows you to use System Restore. If you have turned off System Restore anyway, you do not need to turn off the service. If you do, you turn off System Restore.
  • Themes: If you do not use themes, you can disable this service.
  • Windows Image Acquisition: If you do not use scanners or digital cameras, you can disable this service.
  • Wireless Zero Configuration: If do not use wireless networking devices, you can disable this service.

You may have a number of other automatic services, depending on software and other configurations on your computer. So it's a good idea to look through the services and learn more about them. If you double-click a service, a Properties dialog box appears Notice that on the General tab, you see a Startup Type drop-down menu. If you want to change an automatic service to manual, select Manual here and click OK. As a general rule, don't disable a service unless you are sure you will never use it. However, manual configuration allows the service to be started when you find it necessary, thus speeding up your boot time.

Prevent Windows Messenger from Starting Automatically

Windows Messenger starts automatically by default, but you can change this behavior. Windows Messenger is the messaging utility that ships with Windows XP. By default, it starts automatically when you boot your computer. If you prefer MSN Messenger or another messaging program, or if you don’t do any instant messaging, you’ll want to stop Windows Messenger from booting.

The way in which you prevent Windows Messenger from starting automatically depends on whether you are using Outlook Express or Outlook.

In Outlook Express:

  1. Click Tools | Options.
  2. On the General tab, clear Automatically Log On To Windows Messenger. Click OK.

In Outlook:

  1. Click Tools | Options.
  2. On the Other tab, clear Enable Instant Messaging in Microsoft Outlook. Click OK.

The way in which you disable Windows Messenger from running altogether depends on which Windows operation system you are using.

In Windows XP Professional:

  1. Click Start | Run, and type gpedit.msc. Click OK.
  2. Using the Group Policy Editor, under Local Computer Policy, expand Computer Configuration | Administrative Templates | Windows Components and select Windows Messenger.
  3. Double-click Do Not Allow Windows Messenger To Be Run, and select Enabled.
  4. Click OK and close the Group Policy Editor.

In Windows XP Home:

  1. Start Windows Messenger.
  2. Click Tools | Options.
  3. On the Preferences tab, clear Run This Program When Windows Starts. Click OK and reboot.

Allow the Administrator Account on the Welcome Screen

If you use the Administrator account only when you need to perform administrator tasks, enable the Administrator account on the Welcome screen. Another way to enhance the bootup process is to enable the Administrator account on the Welcome screen. Enabling the Administrator account allows you to log on as an administrator when you need to, and to log on as a standard user or as a guest account when desirable.

Before enabling the Administrator account on the Welcome screen, you must meet certain criteria:

  • You must be part of a workgroup, not a domain.
  • You must be using the Welcome screen.
  • You must not be using Fast User Switching.

First, verify that the Welcome screen is enabled and that Fast User Switching is disabled by going to Start | Control Panel | User Accounts. In User Accounts:

  1. Check Use The Welcome Screen. (If you don’t see this option, you don’t meet the criteria in the preceding bulleted list.)
  2. Uncheck Use Fast User Switching.

Next, download, install, and configure TweakUI. TweakUI is a free PowerToy that lets you do almost anything to your user interface, and quite easily. One of the things you can do with TweakUI is show the Administrator account on the Welcome screen. Here’s how:

  1. Open the program by clicking Start | All Programs | PowerToys For Windows XP | TweakUI For Windows XP.
  2. Click Logon, and check Show “Administrator” On Welcome Screen.

Allow a Specific Program to Start When the Computer Boots

If you use a specific program everyday, such as Outlook or Outlook Express, configure it to open automatically at bootup. Now that you’ve killed what you don’t need at bootup, you are ready to add some things you do need. If you always use a specific program when you start your computer, such as Outlook Express, Microsoft Word, or Adobe Photoshop, you can configure that program to open automatically each time you boot your computer. This won’t speed up boot time, of course, but it will allow you to boot the computer and have the programs you always use open automatically.

To configure any program to start automatically when Windows boots:

  1. Click Start | All Programs and point to the Startup folder. There may or may not be items in that folder. (Items in that folder do start automatically when Windows boots, so if there are unnecessary programs there you may want to remove them.)
  2. On the All Programs menu, locate the program you want to have automatically start when you boot your computer.
  3. Right-click that program and drag it to the Startup folder. If there are no items in the folder, drop it on top of Startup. If there are items in that folder, drag it over to the area where those items are listed and drop it there.
  4. When you let go of the mouse, select Copy Here.

You can also browse to the Startup folder using Windows Explorer. Rightclick Start and click Explore to open Windows Explorer. Under your local disk, expand Documents and Settings and find your user folder. Expand it, expand Start Menu, expand Programs, and select Startup.

Note that you can also drag items to this folder if you can’t find them on the All Programs menu, including folders and files. Whatever you add here will open or start automatically on reboot.

Stopping Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop Sharing

In Windows XP Professional, you have two remote networking features called Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop Sharing. These remote networking features are very helpful in a variety of situations but if you don't use them, it is good idea to disable them to save boot time. You can always enable them later if you want to use them.

  • Open the Start menu, right-click My Computer, and choose Properties.
  • Click the Remote Tab.
  • Clear both check boxes to disable Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop.

Speeding Up the Dual-Boot Timeout
If you dual-boot your computer with Windows XP and another operating system, you see an operating system selection menu on startup. If you typically boot into Windows XP and not the other operating system, you can speed up the dual-boot timeout value so that you do not wait so long for the boot process to select your default operating system and continue with the boot process. The default timeout value is 30 seconds but you can change this setting to 10. This gives you enough time to select the alternate operating system if you want but also speeds up the boot process. You can skip this section if you do not use a dual-boot configuration.

Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the boot.ini file on your computer. It is a hidden file by default; mine is located in C:\boot.ini.
  2. Open the file with Notepad (which is what opens it by default).
  3. Change the Timeout value to 10 (see Figure 4-11).
  4. Select File/Save and close Notepad.

Speeding Up Your PPPoE Connection
If you use a Point-to-Point Protocol connection over Ethernet (PPPoE), you may notice a delay in using the PPPoE connection after startup. By default, there is a 120 second delay but you can stop this behavior by manually configuring an IP address for the network adapter card. If you do not use a PPPoE connection, you can skip this section.

  • Select Start/Connect to/Show All Connections.
  • Open the TCP/IP properties for your LAN network interface card.
  • Manually set the IP address on the TCP/IP properties to an appropriate IP address and subnet mask for your network.

Reducing the Wait Time
When you start to shut down Windows XP, it has to quit, or "kill," any live applications or processes that are currently running. So close all applications first. However, some applications and processes are always running in the background. You can reduce the amount of time that Windows XP waits for those applications and processes to close before Windows XP kills them. Edit three different Registry settings to change this:

  1. Open the Registry Editor.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. Select WaitToKillAppTimeout and set the value to 1000.
  3. Select the HungAppTimeout value and set it to 1000 as well.
  4. Navigate to HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop. Set the WaitToKillAppTimeout and set the value to 1000. Select the HungAppTimeout \newline value and set it to 1000 as well.
  5. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l. Select the WaitToKillServiceTimeout value and set it to 1000.
  6. Close the Registry Editor.

Automatically Killing Tasks on Shutdown
You know the drill. You start to shut down the computer, you wait a few moments, and then you see a dialog box asking if you want to kill an application or service that is running. Instead of prompting you, you can make Windows XP take care of the kill task automatically. Here's how:

  1. Open the Registry Editor.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop.
  3. Highlight the value AutoEndTasks and change the value to 1.
  4. Close the Registry Editor.

Well thats about it... when you done all the steps you machine most run faster...without ANY errors !!.

Speed Tips and Tricks for Windows XP Startup

Aside from startup programs, services, and the Prefetch folder, there are a number of other startup procedures and issues you can modify to help Windows XP start faster. The following sections explore those tips and tricks.

Manual IP Addressing on Small Office/Home Networks
Windows XP is configured to help you take care of networking. It uses the TCP/IP protocol for networking in workgroups, or what you might call small office or home networks that do not use a dedicated server.

The problem is that automatic IP addressing can be slow. When your computer boots, it has to query the network to see what IP addresses are already in use and then assign itself one. If you want to speed up the boot time a bit, consider manually assigning IP addresses to all computers on the network. This way, the network computers do not have to worry about locating an automatic IP address. Because one is manually configured, the operating system doesn't have to spend time solving this problem.

This isn't a networking book, however, so I won't delve into the implications of using a manual IP address, but if you are using a computer that functions as a host computer to the Internet (using Internet Connection Sharing [ICS]), you can get into connectivity problems if you change the configuration of the IP address. However, you can still work around this problem by starting with the ICS host computer.

Select Start/Connect To/Show All Connections. Right-click your network adapter card and click Properties. On the General tab, select TCP/IP in the list of services and click the Properties button.

In the TCP/IP properties, you can see if you use an automatic or manual IP address. In the example, You have configured a manual IP address of and a default subnet mask. The other computers on my office network each use a different IP address in the same class, such as,,, and so on. This way, each computer has a permanent IP address, which helps increase boot time. Note that if you change the IP addresses of your computers, they must all use the same subnet mask. A default subject mask of will keep you in good shape.

Make sure you understand the implications of changing IP addresses on your network. If you have no networking experience at all, you may be wiser to leave the automatic IP addressing as is and try to gain some speed using the additional suggestions in this chapter.

Disabling Recent Documents History
Windows XP includes a feature that keeps track of all recent documents you have opened or used. The idea is that you can select Start/Recent Documents History and quickly reopen any document you have recently used. I use many documents each day and never use the feature myself. In my opinion, I can keep up with what I want to use without Windows XP doing it for me.

The bad thing about Recent Documents History is that Windows XP has to calculate what should be put there each time you boot Windows, which can slow things down. So, if you never use the Recent Documents History, it's a good idea to disable it. Here's how:

        1. Open the Registry Editor (select Start/Run, type regedit, and click OK).
        2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mcft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.
        3. Create a NoRecentDocsHistory D_WORD key. Double-click the value to open it once it is created.
        4. Set the Data Value to 1 to enable the restriction.
        5. Click OK and close the Registry Editor. You'll need to restart the computer for the change to take effect.

Disabling the Boot Logo
You can remove the boot logo that appears when you start Windows XP. This little tweak probably shaves only a few seconds off your boot time but seconds count if you are serious about trying to get Windows XP up and running as quickly as possible. The only negative is that if you remove the boot logo, you will also not see any boot messages, such as check disk. (But if you are not having problems with your computer, this isn't such a big deal.)
To remove the boot logo, follow these steps:

  1. Select Start/Run, type msconfig, and click OK.
  2. In the System Configuration Utility, click the BOOT.INI tab.
  3. On the BOOT.INI tab, click the NOGUIBOOT check box option. Click OK.

Removing Unwanted Fonts
One trick that increases your boot time a bit is to lose any fonts in the Fonts folder in Control Panel that you never use. The more fonts you have, the more processing Windows XP has to do to prep all of those fonts for use. You must be a bit careful here to not remove fonts that you might want, but there is a good chance that you can live without many of them. For instance, you may have foreign language fonts and other symbol fonts (such as Wingdings) that you never use. To delete unneeded fonts, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Fonts folder in Control Panel.
  2. Select Edit/Select All and then Edit/Copy.
  3. Create a new folder on your desktop, open it, and select Edit/Paste.
  4. In this new folder, delete any of the fonts you do not want.
  5. Return to the Fonts folder in Control Panel. Right-click the selected fonts and click Delete.
  6. Go back to your new desktop folder and click Edit/Select All.
  7. Return to your Fonts folder and click Edit/Paste. You now have only the desired fonts in the Fonts folder.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Computers Infected with Virus Symptoms.

Computer virus is often disrupt the activities of your day-to-day. Computer viruses are usually spread out without us, from one computer to another. One of the media dissemination of computer viruses is through e-mail. After you run the attachment in the e-mail so sometimes you still do not realize that you are running a computer virus.

What signs or indicators of a computer virus on your computer? Please see just some of the signs below.

  1. Your computer runs more slowly than usual and take it consistently.
  2. Computer suddenly stops or does not respond, and often occurs.
  3. Computer suddenly restart or crash, and this happened a few minutes once.
  4. Computer suddenly restart and can not walk normal again.
  5. Applications are not running the computer operations.
  6. Hardisk or disk drive can not be accessed.
  7. Summary print does not work correctly.
  8. Often, there are strange error messages and do not usually.
  9. Often seen menu or dialog box that is damaged.

The above is a general phenomenon that a computer infected by computer virus, but can also occur because of interference from the hardware or software. With the main solution is to install anti-virus, which is always up-to-date.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

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