Friday, January 30, 2009

Keep themselves from threats at the Internet

Keep yourself safe from online threats such as: Spyware, adware and viruses, browser exploits, shop online fraud, phishing, spam and various other internet fraud in the dangerous.

WOT, Web of Trust, warns you about risky websites that try to scam came as a visitor, can submit information about malware or plan to send spam. WOT can also protect your computer against online threats where WOT as your front-line protection when browsing or searching for something on the Internet.

If you will enter a risky website, WOT will warn you and save in your computer before you interact with the sites that are hazardous. WOT combines evidence collected from various reliable sources, such as phishing and spam blacklists, with the assessment given by the users themselves WOT. This system uses sophisticated algorithms to produce reliable information is reliable and up-to-date in the assessment. WOT allows you to adjust the level of protection to create a safe and enjoyable. To protect your family, you can even set WOT to block content inappropriate for children.

WOT's work shows the icon in the color code on each site (the amount of approximately 20 million sites). Color used green, yellow and red, the colors you can use this as information to help you avoid the dangerous sites, so be safe surfing. Note Picture below:


WOT can be installed on your web browser, here is a addon for Mozilla Firefox. Click here to install on your mozilla firefox Surf safer and add WOT to your Firefox now. Google Chrome Begitupun in broadcast pressnya also include WOT in the list of 15 important addon for Google Chrome. Read the full press release here In addition, you also need Computer Anti Virus installed. Internet is available in many options that are free one of them with Virus Free Comodo Antivirus 2.0 Beta Virus or avert or prevent, Improve and Make PC / Laptop Safe From Viruses.

Enjoying Happy

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

References Internet Worms

What’s Internet Worms ? part 1

What’s Internet Worms ? part 2

References :

Vern Paxson, Stuart Staniford, and Nicholas Weaver, How to 0wn the Internet in Your Spare Time, Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Security Symposium (Security í02), 2002.

David Moore, Colleen Shannon, Geoffrey Voelker and Stefan Savage, Internet Quarantine: Requirements for Containing Self-Propagating Code, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Infocom Conference, San Francisco, CA, April 2003.

Jose Nazario, The Future of Internet Worms, Blackhat Briefings, July 2001.

CERT, CERT Advisory CA-2000-04 Love Letter Worm,

Arno Wagner, Thomas Dßbendorfer, Bernhard Plattner, Roman Hiestand, Experiences with Worm Propagation Simulations, ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode (WORM) 2003, November 2003.

Nicholas C Weaver, Warhol Worms: The Potential for Very Fast Internet Plagues,

Eugene H. Spafford, The Internet Worm Program: An Analysis, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 19(1):17ñ59, January 1989.

Paul Boutin, The Fix Is InóProgrammers can stop Internet worms. Will they?,

What’s Internet Worms ? part 2

Detection of Host
Host detection
Program peer-to-peer protocols and sharing of Windows can be used as a medium spread of worms, a result of this mechanism as worm queries generated by the program peerto-peer íbiasaí. This is the process of detection of network-level experience will be difficult unless the implementation of the IDS is done to identify these patterns. In the implementation, IDS will analyze the patterns of traffic based on specific signature database held.

Anti-virus Behavior Blocking
Behavior blocking is a technique used by anti-virus program dalammenghentikan-programjahat in doing aksinya. Although it was considered that the effort is successful, this technique is not widely used because of the usability and false positives.

Wormholes and Honeyfarms
A honeypot is a host that is intended to be managed by intruder in an effort to detect and analyze the behavior intruder. Honeypot is distributed on a network (honeynet) can form an accurate detector except the price (especially admistration and hardware costs) to the barrier diimplementasikannya honeynet.

For example the implementation of the honeypot íhematí is to create a honeypot system on a separate network of workstations or servers and traffic redirection on a certain port-port, which is suspected as the traffic used by the worm to spread, to the honeypot. A honeypot can use technology to create ívirtual machineí image of the many systems that Vulnerable.

Detection in Network
Detection on the LAN or WAN
A machine infected by the worm will generate traffic scanning can detect. The process of detection can be done at the gateway or IDS placed between the gateway and the LAN or WAN.

Detection at an ISP or Backbone
That has been known to spread himself a worm generally make the process of scanning first to find a new target. Increasing network traffic or ISP backbone dramatically indicates that the worm may have been attacked in the network.

Response and Recovery
Malware such as worms and viruses can spread more quickly than the human ability to analyze and meresponinya. A defense strategy that both the worm can be done automatically. An automatic response can be slow and limit the space-worm movement.

Automatic response is usually given the form of blocking the activities of the worm. The weakness of the automatic response is a common response to the occurrence of false positive and false negative. False positive is a situation where the response does not occur, but given the indications of the worm, while false negative is a situation where truly worm attack, but the response is not given.

The decision to respond to the existence of the worm on the network is to be wise. That means that in a decision must be based on technical analysis that involves many aspects such as statistics, usage policy, and security advisory.

Host Response
A process in response to the computer system will involve the personal firewall that is able to read the alerts generated by a host-based IDS. At this level, given that the response can be more effective in the bank's activities worm.

Network Response
The response on this level should be possible to combine the technique when blocking and able to receive alerts memilah classes of traffic that is suspected as being wormyang spread. Network-based IDS such as snort and prelude can be used to identify the presence of worms by analyzing network traffic is passive.

ISP Response
Although the level of difficulty in the automatic response on this level is high enough, but the scale protection system that can be a greater consideration. Implementation of automatic response to the ISP level is to be first teruji well as the occurrence of false positive and false negative can easily occur.

The process of recovery be considered as one of the efforts to slow the spread of worms. By restoring the condition of the infected system will at least reduce the spread of a new worm's. Some of the following methods is dalammelakukan recovery efforts against worm attacks.

Although it is illegal and less practical, an anti-worm or íworm putihí can cover the security holes and limit the space-another type of worm movement. Look very attractive but some restrictions are not making significant practical than legal factors that make anti-worm is not justified by the law. A significant limitation of anti-worm is keterbatasannya to repair damage caused by only one type of worm.

At least there are three (3) types of anti-worm available on the Internet: Cheese worm, which spreads using the backdoor created by 1ion worm, Code Green, who take advantage of holes made by the CodeRed II, and CRClean provide a response to CodeRed II attacks.

Distribution patches and updates
Recovery method to distribute the patch to update the programs Vulnerable on a computer system is considered as an effective method. The process of distribution can be done by software vendors and adminstrator handling a large number of hosts on the LAN or WAN.
One of the lack of this method is when the intruder can use the worm to control a large number of host and host to the DOS that will make the response to the worm attack. The target of the DOS from the vendor is usually the programs Vulnerable and exploited by worms.

As Intrusion Autonomous agents, Internet worms is a threat to the network in large and small scale. Once known how the distribution of common methods, mechanisms, motivation dibuatnya a worm, and the existence of the worm detection on a host or network, they need to be serious in handling menanggulagi outbreaks of Internet worms. How to anticipate the worm attacks at this time in the future and a more diverse work into a new house that is not easy. Need the cooperation of various related services providers such as Internet access service that does not happen a worse impact.

read the previous part 1

What’s Internet Worms ? part 1

You still remember the ad on television a few years ago, "Son your worms?". Related to the worm, this paper discusses the different forms of worms. Worms-worms on the Internet (Worms) is Intrusion Autonomous agents are able to perform self-multiplication and spread by using the weaknesses security (security flaws) on the services of general use. Worm is not a new phenomenon, spreading first found in 1988. Worms have become a threat that shut down the Internet, although most of the cases that occurred in a specific system based on Windows. Some types of worms using the latest electronic mail (e-mail) as a distribution medium.

Activation Method and Distribution Mechanism
The difference between the worm and virus is located on how they require user intervention to do penggandaandiri and spread menginfeksi computer system. The virus is slow in comparison to the spread of the worm. However, the virus has more ability to avoid detection of anti-virus program that seeks to identify and control the spread of the virus on sistimkomputer. However, the practice of spreading.

The virus can be a worm. To facilitate discussion, we limit the terms of worms and viruses to the activation method performed by a wormóproses made a worm to execute on a system komputeródan mechanism that allows the spread of a worm roam from one host to another host.

Activation Method
Understanding of how the worm can be active on a host closely related wormuntuk with the ability to spread itself, a number of worms can be arranged directly to active (activated nearly immediately), while others can wait a few days, weeks or even months to be able to teraktivasi and then spread itself

Activation with user intervention
Activation process is slow because most require user intervention to execute the worm, the better we realize or not by the user. But as the socialization of the danger incentive do worms and viruses, users can be more careful not to execute the program or open a foreign e-mail attachments from people who do not dikenalnya, this will certainly slow the process of activation worm. But the worm does not despair with the condition that they perform social engineering techniques, such as that done by the Melissa virus that seems to send important information from people who have been known by the victim or personal messages sent by other ILOVEYOU virus. While Melissa is a macro virus in Word programMicrosoft user intervention, but with the spread of Melissa on the Internet had become the most frightening threat.

Activation scheduled
Method of activation worm more quickly is to use the system on a scheduled (Scheduled system proces). There are many programs that run on desktop and server environment for the process in accordance with the schedule provided. This method still requires intervesi human intervention, but this time the attacker is required. For example, the program auto-update of the system to make the process of updating the server vendor. With the update to the remote host as a master, an attacker can take advantage of the jockey is to spread the worm to the first or the remote host on the network gateway or on the Internet and change the file or menginfeksi needed update on the process with the worm code.

Activation method is a method of self-fastest in menggandakandiri worm, spread, and host menginfeksi victims. This most popular method used by the worm author. Generally, the worm uses this method using the weakness of security (security flaw) in the service of general use. For example, the CodeRed worm exploit IIS webserver. Worm will include himself in the service daemon is already dikuasainya or execute commands with the same privileged with that used by the daemon. The process of execution will take place when the worm finds Vulnerable service and exploitation of the service.

The distribution mechanism
Worm menginfeksi victim host and enter the code programó as part of the program in wormóke. Program code can be machine code, or routine to run other programs that already exist on the victim host. In the process of spreading, worm victims must find new and menginfeksi victim with a copy of itself. Distribution process can take place as the process of distribution (from one host to another host) or as the mass distribution (from one host to many hosts).

The process of consideration as the distribution of mass distribution of the fastest method with the assumption that the restrictions of time is used.

There are several mechanisms used by the spread of worms to find candidates with the victims do scanning, searching for victims based on the target list have been prepared beforehand by the author based on the list or worm that is found on the victim and the system in metaserver, and the passive monitoring.

Scanning method involves probing a number of addresses on the Internet and then identify the host Vulnerable. Two simple format of a sequential scanning method (try to identify a block address from the beginning to the end) and random (random).

The spread of worms with the method of scanning both sequential and random, the comparative slow it can be said, however, if combined with the activation automatically, worms can spread more rapidly again. Worm using scanning method usually exploit security holes that have been identified previously, so only a relatively menginfeksi will host a number of course.

Method of scanning the other is considered quite effective with the use of bandwidth-limited routine (as used by CodeRed, is to limit the target with a latency of the connection system is already infected with the victims of the new candidates), which defines the target, there are only at the local address (such as dalamsebuah LAN or WAN), and permutation on the search process.

Scanning the worm is not specific to the application so that the attacker can add a new exploit on a worm that is known. For example, the Slapper worm exploit to get cargo and make a new wormbaru the Scalper.

In general, the scanning speed is limited to a combination of factors such as the number of machines Vulnerable, the design of the scanner, and the ability of the network monitoring system that is able to identify the existence of the worm with the increased traffic that is quite significant.

Target Lists
A worm can have a target list that has been previously determined by the worm author. With a target list that is determined to make a first worm dalammenyebar more quickly, but of course the distribution is very limited because the target based on a number of addresses on the Internet that have been determined.

In addition, the worm can find a list of victims is required on the host that is dikuasainya, this list is generally used by the worm spreading method based on network topology. The information obtained is an example IP address system and the worm develop into a subnet on WAN or LAN.

Target list is also available at metaserver (the server that provides a number of servers that have the same service). For example, metaserver Gamespy have a list of servers that provide online game service. A worm that utilizes metaserver will do a query first to know of the existence of a new target. This method can also accelerate the spread of a worm that attacks the webserver, worms can use Google or other search engines as metaserver to find the target.

Monitoring the Pasif
Worm does not seek passive victims, but the worm will be waiting for potential victims of candidates and then menginfeksinya. Although this method is slower but passive worm does not produce anomalous traffic patterns so that their presence will be difficult. For example, "antiworm" CRClean not require user activation, this worm waiting CodeRed worm attacks and turunannya, and then make a response to the counter-attack. If the counter-attack was successful, CRClean will remove the CodeRed and menginfeksi with the victim on the machine itself. So CRClean can spread without the process of scanning.

Motivated attacks
Although it is very important to know the technology used by Internet worms, but to be able to understand the threats that come from a worm in the need to understand the motivation of the intruders (such as a worm author), and if possible to identify the intruder who actually is.
There are a lot of motivation that causes a worm made but here is the motivation that underlie common worm attacks.

Pride and Power
Intruder (also creator of the worm) motivated to get the power and show-off their damage with a host of others. Intruders were generally not well organized and find a random target. If they find a system that is weak and Vulnerable against an attack, they will perpetuate the system is on the attack.

Commercial Benefits
In connection with the development of world economy that increasingly depends on the day the performance computer to run the operations day-to-day business, electronic attack directed to a domain can seriously disrupt the transaction is in progress. A worm attacks can be done to get the profit to manipulate the financial limit or space-jerk competition.

Because a worm can be made for an attack DOS (Denial of Service) without stopping, extortion against a company can do, and new attacks can be terminated in case of payment transactions in accordance desired by the attacker. Motivation is more terorganisi individual or group.

Someone with enough knowledge to write a worm can be an attack if he felt wronged by a party tertentuk. He was asked to make a protest with the worm spread on the Internet. Protests can also be a negative impact on the institution that became a target, such as SCO and Microsoft recently have DOS attacks directed to him. Political protests can also become a cargo of worm attacks. For example, the Mail Yaha worm created as a tool of political protest that claimed to be pro-India and DOS attack on the Pakistan government websites.

Objectively, worms can be used by terrorist groups. Because there are many computer systems to the Internet terhubungkan located in developed countries, a worm attacks can be as terrorism. Attacker can include cargo Al-Qaeda terror groups or anti-globalization to attack other.

Cargo (payload)
In connection with the distribution of motivation, there is a load on a worm can vary. Here is a load that is often found in the worm.

No cargo or non-functional
A worm that has a bug in the code that relate the distribution method usually failed to spread, but it has a bug on wormyang capacious still can spread and cause serious effects such as increased network traffic or to identify the active hosts Vulnerable.

CodeRed II worm creates a backdoor on the victim host that allows all people can execute the program on a victim's browser. It also triggered an increase of anti-CodeRed worm that tries to exploit backdoor.

Remote DOS
General cargo from the worm is the ability to perform DoS attacks (Denial of Service). Worm has a tool that can make the attack against a target that is determined depending on the command or someone who is able to make it perform DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service).

A number of tools such as worm W32/Sonic have to update its cargo. W32/Sonice make the process a number of queries to the website to get the code for the new program itself. This capability can be used by the DDoS tool to update the programs become zombie. If the control to do the update still continues eksploit then a module can be included so that the worm can spread more quickly and get more victims.

Spionasme and Data Collection
Worm can be done as a tool to do spionasi and data collection with the search for a specific keyword, such as credit card numbers or other important information on the documents stored on the host that has become a victim.

There are many viruses and worms that make pengerusakan data, such as Chernobyl and Klez, which has perintahperintah deletion of data. Because the worm can spread quickly, they can begin to manipulate or delete data from the beginning of the infection process.

Although most of the BIOS has the ability to prevent reflashing process, some have a worm that is capable of doing routine pengerusakan against certain types of BIOS.

With loads of coercive, a worm does not damage menimbukan unless worm is disturbed. As the worm that gives the user the option: allow the worm to stay on the system and do not pengerusakan, or remove the worm but the bad effects caused by damage to the system.
Detecting Internet Worms

A firewall has been developed as a tool to detect the anomaly traffic coming from the Internet and the logfile warned that a worm attack with a port as a target. Firewalls can do blocking access to the administrator to do the analysis and recovery if needed.

Problems commonly found in the automatic response is to accurately detect and analyze a worm that is currently being operated and menginfeksi to a network. This section discusses strategies that have been new and exist in detecting the existence of a worm.

Detector can be a computer or other device that stands alone, located in the DMZ (De-Militarized Zone), or on a backbone, which has the ability to detect locally or centrally. Any room used to be sensitive in a large-scale network to reduce false positives and false negatives. Cable can be said if it is able to successfully detect the occurrence of several types of anomalies worm, incident anomalies can be discovered from the pattern of traffic generated as a consequence of the spread of worms these techniques.

read more in part 2

Each Time to make a Romantic Relationship

You want to have a lasting relationship with your immortal? Try leaving little time for beromantis the world each day.

This recipe is also run by the most durable in the UK, Frank and Anita Milford. This year, they will celebrate their wedding anniversary is to-79 years. Both were married on May 26 1928.

To the Daily Telegraph, Mr Milford, who is now aged 99 years, if the self always have the time each day to be romantic with his wife. "We always do with the fact we reached the age of marriage to a 80-year," he said.
"Share the love should not celebrate Valentine's Day, love each other must be made at any time," he added.
It also approved by similar Anita (98). "Many couples do not currently have enough time to share, not enough mutual respect. Love is the giving and receiving, "he said wisely.

And Anita Milford are not really doubt. Both first met in 1926 and decided two years later married in Cornwall.
Once married they decided to move home to a bungalow in Plymouth, Devon. Both now live in nursing homes in the area of Warwick Park.

In the parents, they often pass the time playing cards with bingo once every two weekends. Not only that, they have a fixed schedule to meet with their children Marie (77), and Frank (72), and five grandchildren and seven great-grandchild.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Solutions wheel vibrate with the braking Check System

Steer wheel a comfortable or should not tremble when we kendarai. Therefore, immediately check if the steer was not even feel comfortable, such as the brake pedal vibrate when we disobey. Cases like this several times asked the members ASTRAWORLD. Even have complained that although the vibration have been doing this balancing and spooring.

Balancing and spooring can enhance the drive is able to muffle the vibration generated due to the wheels round. But, in case the steer still feel vibrant, especially when the brake-nge, pemicunya likely factor in the brake system. Not functioning balancing. Problems among brake system, disk (disc) brake that is not flat. Which is most often tires front disc brake (right-left).

When the disc brake uneven or wavy, when braking it will vibrate. Vibration that is forwarded to the helm and feel in our hands. Therefore, it should do to review workshops network Astra International to make sure and check the condition of disc. The effect will feel better when the brake disc that is worn is replaced with a new one.

In addition to the condition of disc brakes, bearing (bearing) front wheel of the Wear and tear can also cause vibration in the steer. However, the vibration is not only appear on the brakes just in time. Tremor felt at the time of high speed and road surface is uneven. To overcome this problem, the solution is to replace the component.

We recommend, and still do the balancing spooring every 10,000 km. Brake system for yourself, do the inspection every 10,000 km as well. And when the going canvas replacement brake, use the original brake canvas. While bearing, do the replacement of grease (fat) every 20,000 km.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Digital Printing Business

Want to have a business of digital printing (printing all there) or one stop service? If you want a little nekad and, following this experience and literature in the field that can be adapted in a business start business digital printing, photocopy, and graphic design:

Determine the Target Consumers

For those who need fast printing spt invitations, business cards, presentations, brochures, etc.. Of course, should be awaited instant alias because the digital printing process that negate conventional I need long process. This requires a large amount of capital as a digital printing machine / print or digital Snapy ala Subur of up to hundreds of millions of value. It may also be able to press charges through the lease or loan to the bank for the purchase of printers, computers, etc..

One of the tricks in the start / open a business printing services can be started from the receive / services do settingan (lay-out first), before spreading to the other aliases does not directly open a business with a large scale.

In general, the capital of the course will be easier to do business printing services. However, the capital is not to prevent a small business. Networking can be started from the first while searching for investors, customers, partners, and suppliers.

With initial capital of Rp. 10jt to open a digital printing business / digital print, it will take a few things as follows:

P4 computer with 1 specification graphics (cheaper to buy a second) Rp. 4jt
1 laser printer to make film sablon Rp. 1jt
1 scanner. Rp 500rb - 700rb
1 inkjet printer (it's brand, search for the beginning of A4 size, but the search-quality refill ink, to avoid catridge often damaged the quality of the ink ugly) Rp. 500rb
The remaining places to rent, procurement of paper and little promotion.


Of course there must be a smart design. Can the two options. Renting a service that someone is already used for candidate can learn and teach each other (not stingy with the knowledge of other employees) or the beginning of the study once. Specifications include work such as:

  1. Image design, edit photos, design a banner,
  2. Make a rubber stamp, sablon letter head, business card, envelope
  3. Print brochures, print and other Flyer.

Category graphic design business practices in the printing / Digital Print, note the existence of two graphic design: the service or the creative designer.

Usually, the service can do for the computer graphics, but (mostly) to work setting-an (lay-out) is an example of printing ever before. This does not need formal education, can learn a self-taught, which is known / know graphics programs eg offset Printing / Offset Print.

Sometimes graphic work / Digital Print can not be done by your graphics like this, but need a creative designer of one of its tasks is to create a concept design.

Places to rent

This depends on the location. For example, the road edge cost Rp. 7jt / year. There is also the location a bit into the alley, the cost "only" Rp. 4 jt / year.

Service generally provided:

  1. Print Name Card, Kwitansi, Invitation, Nota, etc.
  2. Pengetikan
  3. The setting and design of brochures, photo retouching.
  4. Scan image
  5. Print color
  6. Making stamp
  7. Offset printing, Print Offset

Color laser printing with a bit expensive compared with sablon or to order printing, but is able to receive the benefits of booking with a circulation for example, only a few only 1 sheet (more ngirit) because not all customers would like a large number of (sometimes only 10 messages a proof sheet or example).

Commitment and the accuracy of the time factor in the settlement of the work is not again.

Opening a Business

Following tips to open business opportunities;

  1. Start to see everything around you that can be eg land, business Home Industries, Home Industry. Certainly not with the way it stayed in the house, you can visit the nearest mall, markets, places of crowd, Bazar, exhibitions, and other.
  2. The results of your visit places above you see that certain variations of merchandise and other business people eg Sell sandal, thong, sandal Children. If you are interested to learn one of them, so start by collecting as much information about the business. Can be directly counter to the business or to find the Internet.
  3. How much capital is needed to make your business eg Sell sandal, thong, sandal Children. This is very useful because if we really have little capital, the better the search business capital but little labor.
  4. Know the location of a suitable business for you when you Home Industries, Home Industry. Influence the location of your future sales. Given the strategic places that we have the great opportunity for people mengunjunginya. If you have not been able to rent a place of strategic and do some things that the campaign
  5. Promotions will be very useful for those of you who start new businesses, because the people will recognize the products that we produce and the place where they can buy.
  6. Use the rebate or discount for buyers. This is in order to attract customers who will be very useful for your business continuance eg Sandal Boneka, Good Sandals, Slippers motives.
  7. Give a satisfactory service, for example, provide warranty if damage occurs, a gift for packing, etc.
    8. We also provide products in the form of a variety of sizes and a diverse business eg Sandal Boneka, Good Sandals, Slippers motives. This will be very useful for those of you who choose business wear clothes or clothes Assesories.

Home Improvement Without Problems

Plan renovate houses often make the headache around seven. Budget planning and the determination of the mature home renovation is the key-not to a successful renovation. Yuk, follow the practical steps that can be used as a guide to renovation.

True, buying a house is different from the developer of the building itself. In addition to the satisfaction of mind, build their own home makes us more freely determine the room that we want. Renovation needs will be greater if buying from developers. Then, how do renovations? How to be performed, and when the time is right to do so?

Reasons for Home Improvement:


That is, the home increases, so will need additional space. May have to side as the rest of the land / to the top of the page or because of limited land. The more difficult is to the top, because under the floor would not be disrupted and have damaged the building. Beda with renovations to the side that does not disrupt the relative's house.

Home improvement

It costs more expensive but does not provide a new atmosphere. For example, the home of a termite. The position remains the home, only to replace the termite eaten.

Change the atmosphere

For example, switching from the House to House Mediteranian minimalist.
Special renovations made to the top, there are several ways you can do besides mengecor new floor. Among others:

  1. Keramik concrete (palace). The form of concrete, such as brick, built in accordance with the live long exposition. Practical does not use the framework of the building.
  2. Batang wood. Quite popular, the process faster, more homelike homy and warm. Prices are more expensive and there is still a risk of termites fell ill.
  3. GRC. Based cement, gypsum similar. Memasanganya almost the same as the ceiling.
  4. Cor plate conventional concrete. This is the most popular. Conducted simultaneously, so all the flat floor is cast. If renovasinya many, indeed performed better casting. In addition to secure, landslides and earthquake-resistant. But the difficulty, if rain, practical furniture down on the floor wet. When the renovation is only one room, you should choose 3 ways earlier.

SEARCH IDE Design Your House

Another thing that needs to be is who is doing renovations? The options can be by interior designers, structural designers, ME (expert electricity, water lines), and experts fasad. Remodeling simple enough because the architects have been studying the structure of the architect and ME. Well, the new implementation is done by contractors, architects who build, and the foreman.

So if the funds constraints, services, architects can be deleted. Instead, look for ideas as much as possible from the interior magazines, internet, or the tabloids. Then, select a good home contractor who can calculate the structure. Affairs electricity can, why, do your own.
Submit a full renovation to the business driver is not recommended. Typically, the driver is due to be normal. Akan so difficult to handle if the driver has not been built renovation. In other words, he can not provide solutions. Not to mention the lack of ability to calculate the cost driver in the home renovation. As a result, when asked, can not explain for what purposes. If forced to use a driver, it is for small-scale renovation only.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Install Ad Code In Conformity with Article

There are three types installing the ad code that will be written in the post this time, namely how to install the code on the bottom of your ad / posting the article, under the label after the article and in the beginning of the article. Where you need to search is the code that I write italics, after you met put the ad code on any posts blue.
The ad code that is in the pairs after the "parse" the HTML code into the XML code, What is ...? does not need a lot of confusion in the Internet service is available once-mem-parse the HTML code that one site centricle. You live and then click Copy Paste Tab encodes, the results after you copy and paste it to your blog.
To make the appearance in the Blog follow the steps below:
Of course you have to first join a site that provides services to Become Publisher, for instance KumpulBlogger, or Adspeedy, or AdesenseCamp. With bergabungnya on your site, you will get the HTML code from the site.
First steps:
Go to Template - Edit HTML - Provide a check on the "Expand widget template"
Step two:
Do not Forget blogger backup by clicking the "full dowlnoad template"
After Post Before Credits
Search under this code is written italics:
<div class='post-body'>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->
<div><!--parsed Adsense code--></div>
<div class='post-footer'>
<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
<span class='post-author'>
<b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>
<data:top.authorLabel/> <>
If you have found the code above, the Copy-Paste the code "Parse" earlier in the blue
Click the Save tab --- End and see the results
After Credits
Search under this code is written yan italics:
<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>
<div><!--parsed Adsense code--></div> 
If you have found the code above, the Copy-Paste the code "Parse" earlier in the blue
Click the Save tab --- End and see the results
Next To The Post
Search under this code is written yan italics:
<div><!--parsed Adsense code--></div> 
 <div class='post-body'>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats –>
If you have found the code above, the Copy-Paste the code "Parse" earlier in the blue

Click the Save tab --- End and see the results

Collections Banner Ads and RSS Feed Icon

Banner ads (125 × 125 ad) has become one of the most popular way to offer space to advertisers on the blog. Some Blogger using media as a method of advertising to generate revenue from their blogs. I think one important thing is to install the banner of "your ad here"
Here are a collection of beautiful banner of "your ad here" 125 × 125 gathered over several days through Google.
You can use one of this set of banners to be placed on the empty space or the slot or individual for each empty slot (your blog will be more colorful) to attract more advertisers to your blog. Please choose your own blog appropriate theme, free choice and make sure this icon installed the first time in your blog. I would like to say "thank you" to the creator of all this beautiful banner.

Blogger each individual has a ways to invite and encourage blog readers so that they are willing berlanganan articles via RSS feeds, one of which is to display the RSS Feed icon and be very visible. Graphic mix of interesting links between the icon / Subscriber Input Icon and RSS feeds with a style that looks more professional.
Here are a collection of beautiful icon RSS Feed iyang collected over several days through Google. You can use one of this set of banners to be placed on your blog. Please choose your own blog appropriate theme, free choice and make sure this icon installed the first time in your blog. I would like to say "thank you" to all the creator of this beautiful icon.

Analyzing the Link 404 error with Google Webmaster

In accessing the site in Google's free webmaster one thing which is often ignored is that this site provides a free service such as diagnostic tools to link the tool allows you to analyze all the links on your blog or website to find out the links page of your blog or website experience error 404 not found error.
You can also use this tool to identify the link and help you in search engine optimization efforts. And also using this tool, you will get the information needed to contact the site owner website or blog that has been wrong in making a link to the page of your blog or website. Why do not you take advantage of this tool? Because the search engine most likely not lead to an error page that is 404.
This often happens when the owner of another website or blog before editing and drastically change the file name. Sometimes this happens to change the name of the file does not deliberately go out of character or characters or adding he also forgot the new name given to the same but actually different. As a result, each person will pay a visit to your website or blog to get your blog or website visible on the web browser as a 404 error.
To find out the link in the 404 error, please go to your Google Webmaster Dasbord with ID and password and click your blog or website that you want to investigate. Then click on the "diagnosis" and then click on "Web Carwl". Click on the "URL that is not affordable" and you'll see a list of links where the search engine does not crawl the link.
You should see a series of links that say something like "page 2" or "14 pages". They are the number of pages that connect to the 404 error page. Click the hyperlink and you'll see the correct page to connect to the error page. They can occur both in the internal pages in your website or blog or external sites and if the latter happens then you will lose a valuable link back to your blog or website.
You can visit the website or blog to communicate with the owner and send e-mail to the owners so that they know that there is a mistake to link to your blog or website.
In addition to Google's Webmaster on the Internet also found many sites that provide services that you can use for day-to-day activities of online activities for both office and blogging. Next I put 15 sites that are presented for you.

  1. DailyLit - read the book through your favorite email (on the PC, mobile, etc.).

  2. FranceRadio - MP3 Search Engine is a very neat and allows you to search results and play your favorite MP3 downloads. FREE.

  3. Google SMS - provides mobile phone users with a super-fast access (via SMS) to a variety of practical information that is business listings (pizzerias, shops, etc.), weather, movie listings, currency converter and many other.

  4. Flurry - follow up your email (both sending and receiving) and can receive the latest articles from the blog / website on your favorite phone.

  5. GameJump - a lot of games available for free mobile phone.

  6. Nutsie - can copy your iTunes library files and can also create an online file your iTunes library. Access iTunes library from a PC or mobile phone.

  7. Qipit - very quickly in the image file format and file documents into PDF files correctly. Save it online, email, fax or directly from a mobile phone.

  8. Soonr - as a useful application lets you access your PC remotely using your mobile phone or other PC (work, school, etc.).

  9. ListenToaMovie - allows you to 'listen to a movie', the streaming audio from the various movies and some TV.

  10. Scribd - search, browse, rate, share various types of documents (e-facts, stories, etc.). It's like Youtube for text documents.

  11. DocSyncer - Synchronize your documents in the office with the 'My Documents' folder Google Docs account.

  12. PDFHammer - merge and re-edit PDF documents online.

  13. LetterMeLater - offers a feature the ability to form at menjadwal when your email should be sent. You can use it directly from your email program (Gmail, Outlook, etc.).

  14. WebMarkers - add additional options for you to 'Print' menu that lets you print a document (or Web page) directly to the web.

  15. PPCalc - Comprehensive Paypal fees calculator.